Los padres auxiliares de Hemingway
The Hemingway Parents Auxiliary (PA) provides support for the Hemingway staff and students and encourages community within the Ernest Hemingway STEAM School.
The ways that our PA contributes to the well-being of students and teachers are listed to the right.
There is no fee for the Hemingway Parents Auxiliary, but we do hold fundraisers during the year to raise money and we encourage your participation in these fundraisers. Last year the PA provided approximately $113K in support to our school – that equates to almost $225 for each student!
Year in Review
Last Year’s Objectives (2022-2023)
Heading into the 22-23 year, one of the goals that became apparent was to restore the community and social events that had been affected by Covid. The Middle School in particular needed activities that gave the students a sense of pride and separation from the elementary school. We were able to create social events and provide more resources for the students to interact with each other.
We also focused on our core goal of supporting teachers in whatever way they need. Last year, there was a large group that wanted to take the Orton Gillingham training and with parent support we were able to provide the funding for each teacher. This training is a structured literacy program that helps teachers assess and teach students fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension.
Key Accomplishments (2022-2023)
Middle School
- Added a Board Member dedicated to Middle School
- 2 Middle School Dances
- Upgrades to Middle School lounge
- Donut Fridays
- Middle School Spirit week
Teacher & School Support
- 27 Teachers trained with Orton Gillingham
- Return of Grandparents Day
- Return of Art & Lit Fair
- Support for District Free Lunch Program
By the Numbers (2022-2023)
Looking Ahead (2023-2024)
As we settle into the 2023-2024 school year, our overall mission remains unchanged: support the teachers, students and overall school community.
Sometimes unforeseen expenses pop up throughout the school year and we are happy to be able to support the school on short notice when needed. Already this year, due to a bus driver shortage we have funded charter buses for the 5th Grade Campout and the upcoming 6th Grade MOSS trip to McCall. We hope to continue to be able to support any field trip that needs transportation.
Another initiative that we plan to support is expanding grade level enrichment opportunities. Some grade levels have experiences like the 4th Grade Wagons Ho event, and we are hoping to support other grade levels in adding an experiential learning event to their school year.
¡Únase a nosotros para marcar la diferencia en Hemingway!
Thank you! We are grateful for the many donors and volunteers that support our students and teachers, and strengthen our Hemingway community. YOU MAKE A DIFFERENCE!
Questions? Send an email to hemingwaypa@gmail.com
Algunas de las cosas que hacemos:
Compromiso de los padres
Organizar reuniones de padres de Hemingway durante el año escolar.
Apoyo al maestro
Proporcionar fondos de subvención a los miembros del profesorado para actividades y equipos aprobados y complementar los gastos de bolsillo mediante la compra de material escolar adicional.
Recursos técnicos y artísticos
Cumplir con las necesidades de VAPOR y las peticiones de tecnología proporcionando software escolar y licencias de actuación pública que no son financiadas por el distrito.
Hacer conexiones
Crear, actualizar y gestionar el directorio online de estudiantes y familias de Hemingway para ayudar a mantener nuestra comunidad conectada.
Eventos de la comunidad
Producir y apoyar varios eventos a lo largo del año, incluyendo:
- Regreso a la escuela Bash
- Vagones Ho! (un evento favorito de 4º grado)
- Día de los Abuelos y Amigos Especiales
- Noche de patinaje
- Bailes de la escuela secundaria
- Ceremonias de graduación de 5º y 8º grado
Nuestra Junta y los voluntarios
Sin los padres voluntarios que asumen papeles de liderazgo cada año, nuestra organización no existiría. Estamos agradecidos por el tiempo, el esfuerzo, el apoyo financiero y la energía que todos nuestros padres, maestros y estudiantes voluntarios proporcionan.
Katherine Schroder
Colleen Gilligan
Amy Niven
Kelsey Baker
Kat Stansberry
Katie Bernacchi
Margot Ramsay
Vanessa Neumann
Amy Wall
Monique Heatly
Shannon Plummer